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Midas M32 LIVE 40-channel Digital Mixer
Duty Free Price BDS:
$8,875.00 (BBD)
Local Price BDS:
$10,900.00 (BBD)
Item #:
In stock
To Purchase CALL US AT 1(246) 430-1100
MOBILE or WHATSAPP 1(246) 233-7643
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MOBILE or WHATSAPP 1(246) 233-7643
MOBILE or WHATSAPP 1(246) 230-9964
[email protected]
Our goal for M32 was to combine the best of classic British console designs with advanced modern technology to completely redefine what a medium-format live console can offer.
We began the industrial design process by drawing inspiration from a somewhat unexpected source – the luxury and high-performance car industry.
Our goal for M32 was to combine the best of classic British console designs with advanced modern technology to completely redefine what a medium-format live console can offer.
We began the industrial design process by drawing inspiration from a somewhat unexpected source – the luxury and high-performance car industry.