QSC RMX4050A Two Channel Power Amplifier

Duty Free Price BDS: $4,799.00 (BBD)
Local Price BDS: $6,585.00 (BBD)
Item #:  RMX4050A
Out of stock

The RMX 4050a is a "heavy duty" model designed to work as hard into 2 ohm loads as most competing amplifiers will at 4 ohms.
Both the RMX 5050a and RMX 4050a feature a three-tier, Class H design that is extremely efficient at real world power levels. Less AC current is wasted and more available current goes into producing useful audio power. 120 volt versions of the RMX 4050a accomplish all this with a standard 15 amp plug.
Power Ratings stero mode both chanels driven
  • 8ohms 850 watts
  • 4 ohms 1400 watts
  • 2 ohms 2000 watts
    Bridged Mode
  • 8ohms 2800 watts
  • 4 ohms 4000 watts

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